Go İthalat Türkiye'nin 1 Numaralı B2B Tedarikçisi. İster Parakende İster Toptan Al Yada İstersen XML Bayilik ile Tüm Dünyaya Sat Except for Corporate Dealers and Drop Dealers, all sales to individuals or companies are made wholesale. We do not have retail sales and payment at the door option. The minimum order quantity of our products and the total price including VAT can be seen when you add them to your cart. All our sales are invoiced, please do not request products without invoice. You can take advantage of Corporate and Drop Dealership advantages for your wholesale purchases. Except for Corporate Dealers and Drop Dealers, all sales to individuals or companies are made wholesale. We do not have retail sales and payment at the door option. The minimum order quantity of our products and the total price including VAT can be seen when you add them to your cart. All our sales are invoiced, please do not request products without invoice. You can take advantage of Corporate and Drop Dealership advantages for your wholesale purchases. Except for Corporate Dealers and Drop Dealers, all sales to individuals or companies are made wholesale. We do not have retail sales and payment at the door option. The minimum order quantity of our products and the total price including VAT can be seen when you add them to your cart. All our sales are invoiced, please do not request products without invoice. You can take advantage of Corporate and Drop Dealership advantages for your wholesale purchases. Except for Corporate Dealers and Drop Dealers, all sales to individuals or companies are made wholesale. We do not have retail sales and payment at the door option. The minimum order quantity of our products and the total price including VAT can be seen when you add them to your cart. All our sales are invoiced, please do not request products without invoice. You can take advantage of Corporate and Drop Dealership advantages for your wholesale purchases. Except for Corporate Dealers and Drop Dealers, all sales to individuals or companies are made wholesale. We do not have retail sales and payment at the door option. The minimum order quantity of our products and the total price including VAT can be seen when you add them to your cart. All our sales are invoiced, please do not request products without invoice. You can take advantage of Corporate and Drop Dealership advantages for your wholesale purchases. Except for Corporate Dealers and Drop Dealers, all sales to individuals or companies are made wholesale. We do not have retail sales and payment at the door option. The minimum order quantity of our products and the total price including VAT can be seen when you add them to your cart. All our sales are invoiced, please do not request products without invoice. You can take advantage of Corporate and Drop Dealership advantages for your wholesale purchases. Except for Corporate Dealers and Drop Dealers, all sales to individuals or companies are made wholesale. We do not have retail sales and payment at the door option. The minimum order quantity of our products and the total price including VAT can be seen when you add them to your cart. All our sales are invoiced, please do not request products without invoice. You can take advantage of Corporate and Drop Dealership advantages for your wholesale purchases.

Termal Sauna Zayıflama Kemeri

Termal Sauna Zayıflama Kemeri

Brand: Go ithalat



Sadece Bayi Görebilir

Special for Resellers TL

Made in Turkiye
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Termal Sauna Zayıflama Kemeri


İnce Düzgün Bir Fizik için Ağrılarınızı Azalmasına Yardımcı Olur Termal Sauna Kemer


Bel bölgenizdeki yağlanmaların önüne geçerek istediğiniz beden ölçülerine kavuşmak için gün boyu sizinle olacak muhteşem Termal Sauna Kemer

İnce yapısı sayesinde spor yaparken, iş yerinizde, yürüyüşlerde ya da günlük aktivitelerinizde rahatlıkla giysilerinizin altına giyerek kullanabilirsiniz


Rahatsızlık vermez


Bel ve göbek bölgesinde sauna etkisi yaparak kısa sürede incelmesini sağlar


Özel hava geçirmez termal etkisi ile yağlı dokuyu azaltarak tekrar oluşmasının önüne geçer


Termal Sauna Kemer, spor aktivitelerinizde, egzersizleriniz esnasında bel ve göbek bölgesinde ki ısıyı tutup yükselterek deri altında sauna etkisi yaratarak yağ yakım süresini hızlandırır


Sauna özellikli Termal Kemer, sağlıklı bir şekilde hızlı kilo vermenizde büyük yardımcınız olacak


Termal Sauna Kemer’le beraber hızlanan kan dolaşımının getirdiği sirkülasyon yağlı ve selülitli dokularda fazla miktarda oksijen oluşmasını sağlar


Ayrıca bel ağrısı şikayeti olanlar için bel bölgesini sıcak tutarak ağrılarınızın azalmasına yardımcı olur

Sauna Kemer cırtlı yapısı iletüm bedenlerde rahatlıkla kullanılabilir

Sürekli kullanım sonucu oluşabilecek yıtılma ve yıpranmalara karşı  kenarları overlok dikişlidir

Spor yaparken veya günlük kıyafetlerinizin altına rahatlıkla giyebilirsiniz

30° - 40° de elde, yumuşak sabunla yıkanmalıdır. Çamaşır makinasında yıkamaya uygun değildir

Kesinlikle ütülenmemeli, ısı kaynağına yakın bir yerde kurutulmamalıdır

Termal Sauna Kemer Renk Seçeneği: 



Termal Sauna Kemer Ölçüleri:


  • Uzunluk: 100 cm
  • Genişlik: 20 cm


Paket İçeriği :


  • 1 Adet Termal Sauna Zayıflama Kemeri
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